When your payment authorisation request is not successful, the response returns HTTP status code 200/OK and includes a resultCode set to either Refused, Error, or Cancelled.
adobe master x force invalid request code for 11
If your agent sends a HTTP-header CQ-Action-Scope: ResourceOnly, that means that this single invalidation request does not trigger an auto-invalidation. This ( -dispatchercache/tree/master/src/refetching-flush-agent/refetch-bundle) piece of code might be a good starting point for your own replication agent.
ResourceOnly, only prevents auto-invalidation. To actually do the necessary dependency resolving and invalidations, you must trigger the invalidation requests yourself. You may want to check the package Dispatcher flush rules ( -consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/dispatcher-flush-rules/index.html) for inspiration on how that could actually happen.
If you install an AEM Author and Publish out of the box, the topology is a bit odd. The author sends the content to the Publish systems and the invalidation request to the Dispatchers at the same time. As both, the Publish systems and the Dispatcher, are decoupled from the Author by queues the timing can be a bit unfortunate. The Dispatcher can receive the invalidation request from the Author before the content is updated on the Publish system.
With automatic re-fetching you can mitigate that to some extent. Most invalidated pages are still physically stored on the Dispatcher after auto-invalidation. They are only considered stale. Automatic Refetching means, that you still serve these stale pages for a few seconds while initiating one single request to the publish system to re-fetch the stale content:
> people that were employed by large companies did not get affected by ObamacarePerhaps you missed the newspaper that day.- Prohibit lifetime monetary caps on insurance coverage and limit the use of annual caps.- Prohibit insurance plans from excluding coverage for children with preexisting conditions.- Prohibit insurance plans from cancelling (rescinding) coverage- Establish state-based rate reviews for unreasonable" insurance premium increases.- Establish an office of health insurance consumer assistance or an ombudsman program.- Establish the share of premiums dedicated to medical services (minimum medical loss ratios).- Requires insurance plans issued after March 23, 2010, to cover certain preventive care without cost-sharing, such as immunizations; preventive care for children; and specified screening for certain adults for conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and cancer.- Establishes a federal home-visiting initiative to help states foster health and well-being for children and families who live in at-risk communities.- Requires restaurant chains with 20 or more locations to label menus with calorie information and to provide other information, upon request, such as fat and sodium content.- Comparative research to study the effectiveness of various medical treatments- Demonstration projects to develop medical malpractice alternatives and reduce medical errors- Demonstration projects to develop payment mechanisms to improve efficiency and results- Investments in health information technology- Improvements in care coordination between Medicare and Medicaid for patients who qualify for both;- Options for states to create health homes" for Medicaid enrollees with multiple chronic conditions to improve care; and- Data collection and reporting mechanisms to address health disparities among populations based on ethnicity, geographic location, gender, disability status and language.The last group helps parents of "people that were employed by large companies". Surely you agree that helps such "people that were employed by large companies"?We could fill up a couple pages with summaries of Wellness programs, further assistance to the families of "Health Workforce Development", Health Workforce Development, which helps all, etc..Would you like me to send you some newspapers from the last decade to get you caught up?...Also: "people that were employed by large companies" includes the largest employers in America (ie.. WalMart.) Shall we list all the provisions to assist them?Search "ACA and Medicaid", because so many of these companies fail to offer sufficient healthcare to all their employees.Happy to help. 2ff7e9595c